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Natural Root Products

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

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I have been involved in production agriculture raising corn, wheat and soybeans and caring for livestock nearly all my life in rural Delphi, Indiana. From this background I have learned that the better you take care of the growing environment, the better results in yield and food source nutrition you will enjoy. 

In 2016, I changed the way we nourished our garden soil by stopping the use of commercial fertilizer and looked for ways to naturally control soil borne pests, weeds, bacterial and fungal pathogens that hinder growth or cause plant and vegetable diseases. Then next year I began sourcing certified organically grown garlic from non-GMO genetic lines to see if was possible to raise fresh garlic for my family. Two years later growing garlic, I outgrew my garden, so I moved to new "garden plots" on the family farm, that were no commercial crops had ever been grown. 

I love to interact with customers to identify the uses and benefits of locally sourced garlic. Generally Natural Root Products fresh garlic is offered with advice as to best uses and garlic flavor intensity.   Some of my customers have identified that I am passionate about my products. This passion is shared by my customers as they recognize the best produce comes from the best nourishment of the roots, with the best seedstock, and produced with food safety in mind. 

Looking for more ways to live healthy and naturally? Visit our homepage at Sunspot Natural Market to explore our wide range of organic groceries, supplements, and natural body care products. Your journey to a healthier lifestyle starts with us!


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